Newcastle University
Newcastle University
La Universidad de Newcastle ofrece educación de clase mundial en su vibrante campus en una de las ciudades estudiantiles favoritas del Reino Unido. Como miembro del Grupo Russell, su enseñanza se inspira en una investigación excelente a nivel mundial, y los empleadores de todo el mundo tienen en alta estima un título de la Universidad de Newcastle. La Universidad de Newcastle se compromete a proporcionar instalaciones de clase mundial, habiendo invertido recientemente en varios desarrollos de varios millones de libras. Los estudiantes se beneficiarán de un servicio de biblioteca galardonado con recursos en más de 150 idiomas, junto con instalaciones específicas de la asignatura que incluyen estudios de arquitectura, una suite de realidad virtual y laboratorios de química y biomédica renovados.

Art And Design
- Film and Media
- Accounting and Finance
- Accounting and Mathematics
- Agri-Business Management
- Business Management
- Economics
- Marketing and Management
- Marketing
- Master of Planning
- Education
- Journalism, Media and Culture
- Law
- Media, Communication and Cultural Studies
- Philosophy
- Politics and Economics
- Psychology
- Sociology
- Sport and Exercise Sciences
- Animal Science
- Archaeology
- Architecture
- Automation and Control
- Biochemistry
- Biology
- Biomedical Genetics
- Biomedical Sciences
- Chemical Engineering
- Chemistry with Medicinal Chemistry
- Civil and Structural Engineering
- Computer Science
- Digital Electronics
- Earth Science
- Electrical and Electronic Engineering
- Electrical Power Engineering
- Electronic Communications
- Electronics and Computer Engineering
- Environmental Science
- Food and Human Nutrition
- Geography
- Marine Biology
- Marine Technology with Marine Engineering
- Marine Technology with Naval Architecture
- Marine Technology with Offshore Engineering
- Marine Technology with Small Craft Technology
- Marine Zoology
- Mathematics and Statistics
- Mathematics
- Mechanical and Low Carbon Transport Engineering
- Mechanical Design and Manufacturing Engineering
- Mechanical Engineering
- Mechanical Engineering with Biomedical Engineering
- Mechanical Engineering with Mechatronics
- Medical Science
- Microelectronic Engineering
- Nutrition with Food Marketing
- Pharmacology
- Pharmacy
- Physics
- Physiological Sciences
- Statistics
- Surveying and Mapping Science
- Zoology
Art & Design
- Film
- Fine art
- Music
- Urban design
- Accounting, finance and strategic investment
- Banking and finance
- Digital Business
- Finance and economics
- International business
- International commercial
- International economics and finance
- International financial analysis
- International marketing
- Media and public relations
- Renewable energy, enterprise and management
- Transport engineering planing and management
- Apllied linguistics research
- Art museum and gallery studies
- British history
- Classics and ancient history
- Clinical linguistics and evidence based pratice
- Coaching and mentoring
- Comunications and signal processing
- Creative writing
- Cross-cultural communication
- Cross-cultural communication and international
- Cultural property protection
- Education
- English literature
- Forensic psychology
- Foundationes in clinical psychology
- Global Human Resource
- Global public health
- History
- International development and education
- International marine environmetal consultancy
- International politics
- International relations
- Interpreting
- Japonese studies
- Linguistics
- Low intensity psychological therapies
- Media and cultural studies
- Media and journalism
- Media and society
- Modern languages
- Museum gallery and heritage studies
- Politics
- Portuguese
- Professional translation for european languages
- Psychology
- Public Health
- Public health and health services research
- Public health, epidemiology and health services research
- Rural studies
- Sociolinguistics
- Sociology
- spatial planning
- Speech and language sciences
- Sport and exercise psychology
- Urban planning
- Advanced architectural
- Advanced computer science
- Advanced international business management and marketing
- Ageing and health
- Agricultural and envionmental science
- Animal behaviour
- Archaeology
- Architecture
- Automation and control
- Biofabrication and bioprinting
- Bioinformatics
- Biology
- Biomedical engineering
- Biomedicine
- Biosciences
- Biotechnology
- Biotechnology and biodesign
- Biotechnology and business enterprise
- Cancer studies
- Cardiovascular science in health and disease
- Chemical engineering
- Chemistry
- Civil engineering
- Clinical and health sciences with ageing
- Clinical research or clinical reasearch ageing
- Computer game engineering
- Computer science
- Conservation and ecosystem management
- Cyber security
- Data Science
- Dentristry and dental sciences
- Digital and technology solutions
- Drug chemistry
- Drug delivery and nanomedicine
- Ecology
- Educacion Clinical
- Electrical power
- Engineeryn geology
- Enviromental geoscience
- Enviromental science
- Environmental engineering
- Epidemiology
- Exercise physiology
- Food and human nutrition
- Genetics
- Geochemistry
- Geomatics
- Geotechnical engineering
- Health service research
- Healthy musculoskeletal ageing
- Human computer interaction
- Human geography research
- Hydroinformatics and water
- immunobiology
- Industrial and commercial biotechnology
- Marine engineering
- Marine technology
- Materials engineering
- Mechanical engineering
- Medical and molecular biosciences
- Medical education
- Medical genetics
- Medicine and surgery
- Microbiology
- Microelectronics
- Mitochondrial biology and medicine
- Molecular cell biology and cell signalling in health and disease
- Molecular microbiology
- Nanoscale science and technology
- Naval Architecture
- Neuromuscular diseases
- Neuroscience
- Offshore, subsea and pipeline engineering
- Oncology
- Orthodontics
- Palliative care
- Pharmacy
- Philosophy
- Physician associate studies
- Physics
- Regenerative medicine and sten cells
- Research training
- Restorative dentistry
- Smart system
- Statistics
- Sustainable Chemical
- Synthectic biology
- Technology in the marine
- Toxicology
- Translational medicine and therapeutics
- Urban energy technology and policy
- Wildlife management
Beca por Méritos Académicos
Para otorgar una visa de estudiante, actualmente las embajadas solicitan una prueba de fondos a través de una carta bancaria, donde se demuestre que el estudiante o su sponsor cuentan con los recursos económicos suficientes para cursar su primer año de estudios.
Beneficios que Ofrecemos en Nuestras Universidades
Aplicación Gratuita
Te regalamos la aplicación hasta tres (3) universidades.
Mentorías Gratuitas
Luego de llenar el formulario analizaremos tu perfil académico y económico y te ofreceremos una mentoría de 30 minutos Gratis.
Visa de Estudiante
Apoyo para una exitosa solicitud de visa de estudiante.
Admisión con tu Actual Nivel de Inglés
Tenemos tres (3) programas de ingreso dependiendo de tu actual nivel de inglés: bajo, medio o avanzado.
Admisión sin prueba
No solicitamos pruebas SAT, TOEFL o IELTS.
Programa de Pasantías
Durante 3 meses al año, puedes obtener la experiencia laboral que necesitas antes de terminar tu carrera universitaria en empresas transnacionales.
Mi nombre es Lourdes Pineda, déjame decirte que llegaste al lugar indicado. Estamos certificados y avalados por: Newcastle University para postularte a una beca. Te invito a llenar nuestro formulario para obtener una mentoría gratuita de asesoramiento.