University of Sydney
University of Sydney
La Universidad de Sydney es reconocida como una de las instituciones líderes en el mundo por tener un impacto positivo en la sociedad según las clasificaciones de Impacto de la educación superior del Times, que se centran en los temas gemelos de proteger el medio ambiente y abordar la desigualdad a través del desarrollo sostenible.
Nuestra excelencia en investigación y enseñanza hace de la Universidad de Sydney una de las mejores universidades de Australia y una de las mejores universidades del mundo.
1º en Australia y 4º en el mundo por empleabilidad de graduados, Top 50 universidad – 42º en el mundo, Top 30 universidad más impactante – 25º en el mundo
- Art & Design
- Bachelor of Arts
- Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Advanced Studies
- Bachelor of Liberal Arts and Science
- Bachelor of Music
- Bachelor of Music Composition
- Bachelor of Music Performance
- Bachelor of Music and Bachelor of Advanced Studies Composition
- Bachelor of Music and Bachelor of Advanced Studies Performance
- Bachelor of Visual Arts
- Bachelor of Visual Arts and Bachelor of Advanced Studies
- Diploma of Arts
- Diploma of Language Studies
- Diploma of Music
- Music Undergraduate Cross-Institutional
- Business
- Bachelor of Commerce
- Bachelor of Commerce and Bachelor of Advanced Studies
- Bachelor of Commerce and Bachelor of Laws
- Bachelor of Economics
- Bachelor of Economics and Bachelor of Laws
- Bachelor of Project Management
- Humanities
- Bachelor of Advanced Studies Media and Communications
- Bachelor of Applied Science Occupational Therapy
- Bachelor of Applied Science Speech Pathology
- Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Advanced Studies International and Global Studies
- Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Advanced Studies Media and Communications
- Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Advanced Studies Politics and International Relations
- Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Laws
- Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Social Work
- Bachelor of Education Early Childhood
- Bachelor of Education Health and Physical Education
- Bachelor of Education Primary
- Bachelor of Education Secondary
- Bachelor of Education and Bachelor of Advanced Studies Secondary
- Bachelor of Music Music Education
- Bachelor of Psychology
- Bachelor of Social Work
- Law Undergraduate
- Science
- Architecture Undergraduate
- Bachelor of Advanced Computing
- Bachelor of Advanced Computing and Bachelor of Commerce
- Bachelor of Advanced Computing and Bachelor of Science
- Bachelor of Advanced Computing and Bachelor of Science Health
- Bachelor of Advanced Computing and Bachelor of Science Medical Science
- Bachelor of Applied Science Diagnostic Radiography
- Bachelor of Applied Science Exercise and Sport Science
- Bachelor of Applied Science Exercise Physiology
- Bachelor of Applied Science Physiotherapy
- Bachelor of Applied Science and Bachelor of Advanced Studies Exercise and Sport Science
- Bachelor of Architecture and Environments
- Bachelor of Architecture and Environments
- Bachelor of Arts and Doctor of Medicine
- Bachelor of Arts and Master of Nursing
- Bachelor of Design Computing
- Bachelor of Design Computing and Bachelor of Advanced Studies
- Bachelor of Design in Architecture
- Bachelor of Aeronautical Engineering
- Bachelor of Biomedical Engineering
- Bachelor of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
- Bachelor of Civil Engineering
- Bachelor of Engineerin Civil and Bachelor of Design in Architecture
- Bachelor of Electrical Engineering
- Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering
- Bachelor of Mechatronic Engineering
- Bachelor of Software Engineering
- Bachelor of Health Sciences
- Bachelor of Medical Science
- Bachelor of Nursing Advanced Studies
- Bachelor of Nursing
- Bachelor of Oral Health
- Bachelor of Pharmacy
- Bachelor of Pharmacy and Management
- Bachelor of Science
- Bachelor of Science Health
- Bachelor of Science (Health) and Master of Nursing
- Bachelor of Science Medical Science
- Bachelor of Science and Bachelor of Advanced Studies
- Bachelor of Science and Bachelor of Advanced Studies Agriculture
- Bachelor of Science and Bachelor of Advanced Studies Animal and Veterinary Bioscience
- Bachelor of Science and Bachelor of Advanced Studies Dalyell Scholars including Mathematical Science
- Bachelor of Science and Bachelor of Advanced Studies Food and Agribusiness
- Bachelor of Science and Bachelor of Advanced Studies Health
- Bachelor of Science and Bachelor of Advanced Studies Medical Science
- Bachelor of Science and Bachelor of Advanced Studies Taronga Wildlife Conservation
- Bachelor of Science and Bachelor of Laws
- Bachelor of Science and Doctor of Dental Medicine
- Bachelor of Science and Doctor of Medicine
- Bachelor of Science and Master of Mathematical Sciences
- Bachelor of Science and Master of Nursing
- Bachelor of Science and Master of Nutrition and Dietetics
- Bachelor of Veterinary Biology and Doctor of Veterinary Medicine
- Diploma of Social Sciences
Te postulamos a una beca de 10.000AUD
32.727 AUD
Inversión Anual
38.000 AUDMatrícula |
24.180 AUDHospedaje |
7.980 AUDAlimentación |
529 AUDSeguro |
Para otorgar una visa de estudiante, actualmente las embajadas solicitan una prueba de fondos a través de una carta bancaria, donde se demuestre que el estudiante o su sponsor cuentan con los recursos económicos suficientes para cursar su primer año de estudios.
Beneficios que Ofrecemos en Nuestras Universidades
Aplicación Gratuita
Te regalamos la aplicación hasta tres (3) universidades.
Mentorías Gratuitas
Luego de llenar el formulario analizaremos tu perfil académico y económico y te ofreceremos una mentoría de 30 minutos Gratis.
Visa de Estudiante
Apoyo para una exitosa solicitud de visa de estudiante.
Admisión con tu Actual Nivel de Inglés
Tenemos tres (3) programas de ingreso dependiendo de tu actual nivel de inglés: bajo, medio o avanzado.
Admisión sin prueba
No solicitamos pruebas SAT, TOEFL o IELTS.
Programa de Pasantías
Durante 3 meses al año, puedes obtener la experiencia laboral que necesitas antes de terminar tu carrera universitaria en empresas transnacionales.
Mi nombre es Lourdes Pineda, déjame decirte que llegaste al lugar indicado. Estamos certificados y avalados por: Adelphi University para postularte a una beca. Te invito a llenar nuestro formulario para obtener una mentoría gratuita de asesoramiento.